Saturday, June 29, 2013

Peaceful protest in badass shoes

My friend Pam is an editorial writer for the Times Free Press. She recently asked me if I would contribute a short piece for the page.

"About what?"
"About whatever's on your mind."

Well, holy crap. I can certainly do that. Anytime, of course, but this week in particular.

Wendy Davis is on my mind, y'all. This woman is as good as it gets. 

Read my short editorial about it here. While I go buy some Mizuno Wave Riders.

1 comment:

  1. "And in Florida, the Trayvon Martin murder trial offers a daily-life dose of racial fear and loathing far more telling than any reality TV show could dramatize." I couldn't agree more with this statement. The trial is annoying me. I am ready for it to be over. Great piece! Did you get those Riders?

